Wiener Dawg Race Information

Saturday, March 1, 2025
Gates open at 6:00, Puck drops at 7:05
Sponsored by Glo Fiber with 94.9 Star Country


  • Each dawg participating MUST have two humans on the ice during race.
  • We will provide two free tickets per dawg racing in dawg-friendly sections. These sections are first come, first served seating. A ticket is not required for the dawg. You MUST register before February 27 to receive free tickets. You may still participate after this deadline, however you will not be eligible to receive free tickets.
  • Parking is not included and costs $5.00 while spaces remain. Parking may sell out in advance for this event. Buy parking online or at the box office. Dawgs are TBD on the shuttle. We will update this as we have this information.
  • Dawgs must remain leashed at all times, except during the race on the ice.
  • Race will occur during first intermission. Team staff will escort participants from their seats to the ice at the end of the first period.
  • Owners may bring treats and toys to lure their dawg during the race.
  • We kindly ask that only friendly and well-behaved dawgs participate in this event for the safety of all participants.
  • By signing up for this event, you acknowledge and understand any risks associated with traversing on the ice for both humans and dawgs. Rail Yard Dawgs and Berglund Center will not be held liable for any injuries or damages.